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The Sleep and Dream Database (link: SDDb)  contains thousands of dream reports from a wide variety of people, along with information about their sleep patterns and demographic factors like gender, age, and marital status. You can explore the dream data using the SDDb’s built-in tools for word searching and survey analysis.

​ - Website run by ex-archaeologist and LD/OBE researcher Ryan Hurd. Highly recommended.

  1. 5 Serious Sleep Trackers That Go Way Beyond Your Fitbit

  2. Does Galantamine Affect Your Lucid Dreams?

​ OBE author Robert Peterson's blog, with full of interesting ideas and techniques. 

  1. The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1

  2. Video: Bob Peterson's OBE technique

​ - OBE and science author Anthony Peake's website. Check out these interesting talks on his Consciousness Hour podcast:

  1. Jurgen Ziewe (out-of-body experiences)

  2. Graham Nicholls (out-of-body experiences)

  3. Dr Rory MacSweeney (lucid dreaming)

  4. Robert Waggoner (lucid dreaming)

​ Verified OBE account of Whitley Strieber.





Lucid Dreams

Out-of-Body Experiences

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